Student and Intern Housing Wanted Ads (Coming Soon...)

Here is how our upcoming new "Housing Wanted Ads" will work for both Renters and Landlords.

Landlords Compete - You Compare Rental Offers

Haven’t found the right short-term housing yet? Or you need a place in a hurry?
Try our free “Looking for a Furnished Place - Wanted Ads” . Get rental offers fast. All you have to do is submit your posting and Opt-In, then short-term furnished landlords will receive an alert detailing your housing wanted ad within moments. Soon after, student and intern friendly landlords will begin making you rental offers. Choose the best deal. When landlords compete, you save rent money.

Date Submitted First Name College Type of rental Member Landlords Inquire Here
11/18/17     shared  Inquire
11/18/17 Taylor SDSU Own Bedroom  Inquire
11/18/17 Rhianna SDSU Own Bedroom  Inquire
11/18/17 Weezy SDSU Own Bedroom  Inquire
11/18/14 Kanye SDSU Own Bedroom  Inquire
11/18/17 Katie SDSU Own Bedroom  Inquire
11/18/17 Lelani UCLA studio  Inquire
11/18/17 Zenab USD 1bdr  Inquire
11/18/17 Andy SDSU own_bdr  Inquire
11/18/17 Julia SDSU shared  Inquire

Reverse Offers:
You set your budget and landlords make you rental rate offers. is not like any other student rental site. Only we can offer you this unique and innovative way to find short-term housing landlords. When you post a housing wanted ad, you set your budget and that makes your ad a direct offer to our short-term student and intern friendly landlords throughout San Diego County. Reverse source your place to stay now!

Relocating to San Diego Long Term?
 Don’t pay high hotel rates, while you are looking for “the perfect long-term place to live”. You too can use our Housing Wanted Ads to find a place to stay temporarily from among our student and intern landlord listings. You will save big, over hotel prices.